Iowa State University is a member of the Association of American Universities (AAU), which helps colleges and universities shape polices and promote best practices for undergraduate and graduate education. This spring the AAU will launch a repeat of the a survey conducted in 2015 to better understand campus climate around sexual assault and sexual misconduct. The results from the 2015 survey led to the following outcomes: 

  • Increased and more robust education about Title IX compliance and mandatory reporting for the entire campus community 
  • Substantial enhancements were made to the Sexual Misconduct Policy 
  • Implementation of the campus wide program for Sexual Assault Prevention 
  • Increased resources toward response to campus community allegations of sexual assaults

Students will receive an e-mail with a link to participate in the survey. The survey will open March 1 and close March 31. The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete. All students who receive the survey are encouraged (but not required) to participate to better understand sexual assault and sexual misconduct at Iowa State. It’s up to the student to participate, however, if they choose not to participate their experience may not be reflected in the survey results. Even if the student has not experienced sexual assault or sexual misconduct, responses are still important to understand the entire student perspective.

The results of the survey will be used to better understand the climate at Iowa State regarding the extent of sexual assault and sexual misconduct among students and the use of programs and services currently offered. The information will be used to make recommendations for changes to the policies and procedures related to preventing and responding to sexual misconduct and sexual assault at Iowa State.

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